전체 페이지뷰

2015년 1월 25일 일요일

Functional Reactive Programming


What is functional reactive programming?

FRP can be viewed from different angles:

  It's a replacement for the widely used observer pattern, also known as listeners or callbacks.
  It's a composable, modular way to code event-driven logic.
  It's a different way of thinking: The program is expressed as a reaction to its inputs, or as a flow of data.
  It brings order to the management of program state.
  It's something fundamental: We think that anyone who tries to solve the problems in observer will eventually invent FRP.
  It is normally implemented as a lightweight software library in a standard programming language.
  It can be seen as a complete embedded language for stateful logic.

   Figure 1.8 Lunar lander: OOP vs. FRP code comparison


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