from. design patterns
In JavaScript the knowledge and proper use of functions is critical. This chapter dis- cussed the background and terminology related to functions. You learned about the two important features of functions in JavaScript, namely:
Functions are first-class objects; they can be passed around as values and augmen- ted with properties and methods.
Functions provide local scope, which other curly braces do not. Also something to keep in mind is that declarations of local variables get hoisted to the top of the local scope.
The syntax for creating functions includes:
Named function expressions
Function expressions (the same as the above, but missing a name), also known as anonymous functions
Function declarations, similar to the function syntax in other languages
After covering the background and syntax of functions, you learned about a number
of useful patterns, which can be grouped into the following categories:
1. API patterns, which help you provide better and cleaner interfaces to your func- tions. These patterns include:
Callback patterns
Pass a function as an argument
Configuration objects
Help keep the number of arguments to a function under control
Returning functions
When the return value of one function is another function
When new functions are created based on existing ones plus a partial list of arguments
2. Initialization patterns, which help you perform initialization and setup tasks (very common when it comes to web pages and applications) in a clearer, structured way without polluting the global namespace with temporary variables. These include:
Immediate functions
Executed as soon as they are defined
Immediate object initialization
Initialization tasks structured in an anonymous object that provides a method to be called immediately
Init-time branching
Helps branch code only once during initial code execution, as opposed to many times later during the life of the application
3. Performance patterns, which help speed up the code. These include: Memoization
Using function properties so that computed values are not computed again
Self-defining functions
Overwrite themselves with new bodies to do less work from the second invo- cation and after
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