전체 페이지뷰

2016년 1월 27일 수요일

mwl-calendar (angular-bootstrap-calendar)



There is a single directive exposed to create the calendar, use it like so:
    on-event-times-changed="calendarEvent.startsAt = calendarNewEventStart; calendarEvent.endsAt = calendarNewEventEnd"
    edit-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil\'></i>'"
    delete-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-remove\'></i>'"
An explanation of the properties is as follows:

view (required attribute)

This variable is a string that can be either yearmonthweek or day. Changing it will change the view of the calendar.
For the calendar to display this variable needs to be set like so:
$scope.calendarView = 'month';

view-date (required attribute)

This variable holds the current date the calendar is centralised on. Each view will decide on its current year / month / week / day depending on the value of this variable.

events (required attribute)

An array of events to display on the calendar. For example:
$scope.events = [
    title: 'My event title', // The title of the event
    type: 'info', // The type of the event (determines its color). Can be important, warning, info, inverse, success or special
    startsAt: new Date(2013,5,1,1), // A javascript date object for when the event starts
    endsAt: new Date(2014,8,26,15), // Optional - a javascript date object for when the event ends
    editable: false, // If edit-event-html is set and this field is explicitly set to false then dont make it editable.
    deletable: false, // If delete-event-html is set and this field is explicitly set to false then dont make it deleteable
    draggable: true, //Allow an event to be dragged and dropped
    resizable: true, //Allow an event to be resizable
    incrementsBadgeTotal: true, //If set to false then will not count towards the badge total amount on the month and year view
    recursOn: 'year', // If set the event will recur on the given period. Valid values are year or month
    cssClass: 'a-css-class-name' //A CSS class (or more, just separate with spaces) that will be added to the event when it is displayed on each view. Useful for marking an event as selected / active etc
titletype and startsAt are required for all events.


This variable will be assigned to the calendar title. If you want to change the formatting you can use the calendarConfig or just override the appropriate method in the calendarTitle factory.


This expression is called when an event is clicked on the calendar. calendarEvent can be used in the expression and contains the calendar event that was clicked on.


This expression is called when an event is dragged and dropped or resized into a different date / time on the calendar. The available values that are passed to the expression are: calendarEventcalendarNewEventStartcalendarNewEventEnd andcalendarDraggedFromDate (month view only). The directive won't change the event object and leaves that up to you to implement. Please note drag and drop is only available by including the interact.js library.


If provided this piece of html will be displayed next to an event on the year and month view and will fire the function passed to edit-event-click.


If provided this piece of html will be displayed next to an event on the year and month view and will fire the function passed to delete-event-click.


This expression is called when an event edit link is clicked on the calendar. calendarEvent can be used in the expression and contains the calendar event that was clicked on.


This expression is called when an event delete link is clicked on the calendar. calendarEvent can be used in the expression and contains the calendar event that was clicked on.


This expression is called when a month, day or hour on the calendar is clicked on the year, month and day views respectively. calendarDate can be used in the expression and contains the start of the month, day or hour that was clicked on.


A 2 way bound variable that when set to true will open the year or month view cell that corresponds to the date passed to the date object passed to view-date.


An interpolated string in the form of hh:mm to start the day view at, e.g. setting it to 06:00 will start the day view at 6am


An interpolated string in the form of hh:mm to end the day view at, e.g. setting it to 22:00 will end the day view at 10pm


The number of chunks to split the day view hours up into. Can be either 10, 15 or 30. Default: 30


An optional expression that is evaluated when the view is changed by clicking on a date. Return false from the expression function to disable the view change. calendarDate can be used in the expression and contains the date that was selected.calendarNextView is the view that the calendar will be changed to.


An optional expression that is evaluated on each cell generated for the year and month views. calendarCell can be used in the expression and is an object containing the current cell data which you can modify (see the calendarHelper service source code or just console.log it to see what data is available). If you add the cssClass property it will be applied to the cell.

Configuring the calendar default config

You can easily customise the date formats and i18n strings used throughout the calendar by using the calendarConfig value. Please note that these example formats are those used by moment.js and these won't work if using angular as the date formatter. Example usage:
  .config(function(calendarConfig) {

    console.log(calendarConfig); //view all available config

    calendarConfig.templates.calendarMonthView = 'path/to/custom/template.html'; //change the month view template to a custom template

    calendarConfig.dateFormatter = 'moment'; //use either moment or angular to format dates on the calendar. Default angular. Setting this will override any date formats you have already set.

    calendarConfig.allDateFormats.moment.date.hour = 'HH:mm'; //this will configure times on the day view to display in 24 hour format rather than the default of 12 hour

    calendarConfig.allDateFormats.moment.title.day = 'ddd D MMM'; //this will configure the day view title to be shorter

    calendarConfig.i18nStrings.eventsLabel = 'Events'; //This will set the events label on the day view

    calendarConfig.displayAllMonthEvents = true; //This will display all events on a month view even if they're not in the current month. Default false.

    calendarConfig.displayEventEndTimes = true; //This will display event end times on the month and year views. Default false.

    calendarConfig.showTimesOnWeekView = true; //Make the week view more like the day view, with the caveat that event end times are ignored.


Custom directive templates

All calendar template urls can be changed using the calendarConfig as illustrated above.

The mwl-date-modifier directive

There is also a helper directive that you can use for the next, today and previous buttons. Use it like so:
  class="btn btn-primary"

  class="btn btn-default"

  class="btn btn-primary"

Internationalization and localization

You can either use angular's date filter or moment.js to format dates. The default is to use angular. You can change the formatter to be moment like so:
  .config(function(calendarConfig) {

    calendarConfig.dateFormatter = 'moment'; // use moment to format dates

Then you just need to include the appropriate locale files for your app.
If you want to dynamically change the locale for angular and not include all of the available angular locale files try this library.
Otherwise if using moment you can call moment.locale('YOUR_LOCALE_STRING') to change the locale and the calendar will auto update.
To set Monday as the first day of the week, configure it in moment like so (even if using angular for formatting dates):
moment.locale('en', {
  week : {
    dow : 1 // Monday is the first day of the week
For a full list of all available formats and their defaults see calendarConfig.js


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